Boxed Text: Turnbeek, the Last Outpost
A rough-and-tumble outpost in the frozen north.
Let Your Players Tell Their Story (Literally)
When your players tell their story to NPCs in-game, it’s both fun for them and tells you what they think is important.
Boxed Text: Waterford
A bustling lakeside town which serves as a transportation hub across the plains.
Campfire Collection Zine Releases
New free Ryuutama zine, including a few of my submissions
Gamemastering is a Magic Trick
What do we think we’re doing when we’re gamemastering?
Boxed Text: The Naomhtha Valley
A mysterious valley nestled in the highlands, where the air is naturally dense with magic.
Against Omniscient Gamemasters
Sometimes, it’s better if you are experiencing your own world from inside it–waiting to see what exactly will happen alongside with the players.
Boxed Text: The Herwin Road
A journey that takes the party down from the highlands, across the plains, and into desert badlands.
Writing TTRPG Factions: Plan Motivations Before Actions
Motivations can often be more neutral than actions–giving your NPCs and factions more nuance when they decide to act in the world.
Boxed Text: Shimakuro Peak Trail
A little trail outside a small mountain town, and the sights and attractions located there.